The Council of Europe’s youth sector engages in setting and promoting standards to address the challenges faced by young people.  It guides member states in the development of their national youth policies by means of a body of recommendations and other texts, based on the Organisation’s values, that ensure a minimum level of standards in youth policy in Europe.

Recommendations are drawn up, usually by groups composed of government and non-governmental representatives from the co-managed bodies, experts, researchers, and other major stakeholders, and submitted to the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers for adoption.

As you will see from the list of adopted recommendations, we create standards in all areas relevant to young people's lives, from youth participation, to youth mobility, to youth research, etc.


   What are we currently working on?

Currently, the youth sector is promoting the implementation in member states of three of its most recent recommendations: on youth work; on access to rights; on access to social rights; and on supporting young refugees in transition to adulthood

   Further information is available by visiting the sections below.